
As you will be able to deduce from my bookshelf, I read only Crime Fiction. My addiction for Crime Writing borders on the verge of being unhealthy, but I can’t help it. I have tried reading mainstream literature, and failed miserably doing so. Realized at once that my passion lies within the boundaries of Crime. But, believe me, I am not a criminal. I am a normal guy, who knows his life will never be as exciting as Inspector Morse, Elvis Cole or Kurt Wallander. So, I read to fulfill my fantasy, and I enjoy every moment of it. Besides reading, I have another unhealthy addiction towards music, and when I manage to turn sober after clearing the cobwebs of these addictions, I help my Dad in his business, and study to become a Public Accountant. And, someday I hope to be counted as one of the SERIOUS readers of crime fiction who, despite all warnings and better advice, stayed true and loyal to his favorite genre!!
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